I am a devoted advocate in the struggle to end violence against women and other marginalized groups, a dedicated teacher, and a researcher. I am also an Associate Professor of Sociology at Hastings College. Thank you for visiting my website.
~ News ~

June 2019
I was interviewed for an article related to street harassment in The Atlantic. The Case for Wearing AirPods All the Time, by Marina Koren.
February 2019
I was honored to earn tenure and a promotion to Associate Professor at Hastings College.
April 2016
I was honored to receive the 2016 Vondrak Outstanding Advisor Award at the Hastings College Honors Convocation. This award is given to a faculty or staff member who makes a significant contribution to our students as an advocate and/or academic advisor.
October 2015
I was one of the 2015-2016 Invited Faculty Lecturers at Hastings College and delivered my lecture, "Street Harassment at Intersections," in October. This is one of the events made possible through the Artists and Lecture Series. What an honor! The lecture can be viewed here, and it was written about here and here. I did a radio interview too (available here). (Photo credit, Barbara Sunderman)
January 2015
I was interviewed for this article about Street Harassment in the Washington Post, "How street harassment became a national conversation in 2014."
October 2014
My post for the Gender & Society Blog: "Queer Women and Street Harassment: A Complicated Issue."
I was interviewed for an article related to street harassment in The Atlantic. The Case for Wearing AirPods All the Time, by Marina Koren.
February 2019
I was honored to earn tenure and a promotion to Associate Professor at Hastings College.
April 2016
I was honored to receive the 2016 Vondrak Outstanding Advisor Award at the Hastings College Honors Convocation. This award is given to a faculty or staff member who makes a significant contribution to our students as an advocate and/or academic advisor.
October 2015
I was one of the 2015-2016 Invited Faculty Lecturers at Hastings College and delivered my lecture, "Street Harassment at Intersections," in October. This is one of the events made possible through the Artists and Lecture Series. What an honor! The lecture can be viewed here, and it was written about here and here. I did a radio interview too (available here). (Photo credit, Barbara Sunderman)
January 2015
I was interviewed for this article about Street Harassment in the Washington Post, "How street harassment became a national conversation in 2014."
October 2014
My post for the Gender & Society Blog: "Queer Women and Street Harassment: A Complicated Issue."

May 2014
I was awarded the Polished Apple for excellence in teaching, an especially meaningful award because it's from Hastings College Student Alumni Association. I'm so honored! And it's beautiful!
Also, I co-wrote a blog post: Teaching IS Academic Engagement in the Public Sphere
I was awarded the Polished Apple for excellence in teaching, an especially meaningful award because it's from Hastings College Student Alumni Association. I'm so honored! And it's beautiful!
Also, I co-wrote a blog post: Teaching IS Academic Engagement in the Public Sphere
April 2014
I was interviewed for a New York Times article about the talented artist, Tatyana Fazlalizadeh, and the topic of street harassment. Very pleased to see this artist and this important issue get more media attention.
May 2013
In August, I will begin my new position as Assistant Professor of Sociology at Hastings College, in Hastings, Nebraska! I am thrilled to join the Hastings College team!

August 2012
I traveled to Denver to attend annual meetings of the American Sociological Association, Society for the Study of Social Problems, and Sociologists for Women in Society. I received the honorable mention for the Beth B. Hess Memorial Scholarship, a national scholarship (jointly awarded by all three organizations) that honors the extraordinary career of Beth B. Hess.
I traveled to Denver to attend annual meetings of the American Sociological Association, Society for the Study of Social Problems, and Sociologists for Women in Society. I received the honorable mention for the Beth B. Hess Memorial Scholarship, a national scholarship (jointly awarded by all three organizations) that honors the extraordinary career of Beth B. Hess.

JUNE 2012
I moved to Chicago! I'm living here during this final year of graduate school as I finish my dissertation and complete some manuscripts for publication.
I moved to Chicago! I'm living here during this final year of graduate school as I finish my dissertation and complete some manuscripts for publication.
MAY 2012

I received the Graduate Student Award for Significant Achievement in Research at a ceremony on May 4, 2012.
APRIL 2012
Headline in the college paper: "New Jersey 7 film sheds light on human rights issues," along with a photo of the director of "Out In The Night," Blair Doroshwalther. In April 2012, I invited Blair Doroshwalther to show her documentary at Kansas State University and discuss the case of the New Jersey 7. I also organized a panel discussion to follow the film, inviting local queer activists. The event was titled: "Street Harassment & the New Jersey 7 Case: Injustice at the Intersections of Race, Gender, Class and Sexuality."